Posted by: kbenoy | October 24, 2012

Reynolds – Partnership Agreement: Conservation #3

This is the final part of the series on the conservation of the Reynolds Partnership Agreement. Over the previous two weeks I have described the process to prepare and assess the document and the treatment that it received to make it more stable.

This post is going to talk about the steps taken to permanently preserve this document and make it accessible.

After the document was encapsulated it was decided to scan the document to make a surrogate copy for access purposes. The document was scanned on an A3 scanner and the images were saved as high resolution TIFF files. The images were then printed in full colour on A3 paper to create a full surrogate copy that can be used for access in place of the original document.


The original document will still be preserved despite being in poor condition and unable to be handled by searchers. A bespoke folder has been made to store the encapsulated document, as seen on the right in the image below.

Surrogate and Original Records in Bespoke Folders

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